Fostering Children's Growth Mindset in the Early Years Cover

Fostering Children's Growth Mindset in the Early Years

Carol Dweck's groundbreaking work has long established that, when faced with a challenge, each of us can respond with either a fixed mindset or a growth mindset about our ability to deal with it. What is becoming increasingly clear is that, when children develop growth mindsets in their early years, they come to see struggle and challenge as opportunities for learning and development.

Fostering Children's Growth Mindset in the Early Years offers an insightful guide on how educators can foster growth mindsets in children from birth up to eight years of age. It centres on a set of nine design principles for positive change, along with practical strategies for integrating each one into your setting. This accessible approach, based in both research and practice, will support you to create a culture that inspires children to understand their mindsets, develop a love of learning and enhance both their achievement and their wellbeing.

Ages: 0-8 | Pages: 56 | Code: TS0336 | ISBN: 9781923193116

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Picture of Fiona Boylan

Fiona Boylan

Dr Fiona Boylan is a lecturer and researcher in Early Childhood Studies in the School of Education at Edith Cowan University in Perth, Western Australia. She has 25 years of experience teaching and leading in early childhood settings across the early years of school. Fiona’s research centres on developing children’s metacognitive skills to enhance their learning capabilities and agency toward learning. In particular, her PhD researched the implementation of Carol Dweck’s mindset theory to foster children’s growth mindsets in the early years context. Fiona has presented and published her research nationally and internationally as she seeks to support educators to foster a growth mindset culture in early learning centres, classrooms, and schools. She shares the power of having a growth mindset and of neuroscience wherever she goes and is learning all the time as a mum, educator, author, speaker, and leader. Her wish is for children to embrace challenges as opportunities, setbacks as lessons, and effort as the path to mastery.