Understanding and Responding to Challenging Behaviours Cover

Understanding and Responding to Challenging Behaviours

"But I want to be good!"

"But I want to be good!" Understanding and responding to behaviours that challenge offers practical, insightful guidance on how educators and a service as a whole can support children displaying challenging behaviours in early childhood settings. It's grounded in the author's four decades of professional and personal experience of early years education and young children with diverse and significant needs.

The book describes issues related to neurodiversity and trauma and strategies for responding to them. It has a proactive focus in seeking to prevent the impact on an educator's wellbeing that occurs where severe behaviours persist or the educator feels unsupported.

Ages: 0-6 | Pages: 100 | Code: TS0334 | ISBN: 9781923193024

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Picture of Niki Buchan

Niki Buchan

Niki Buchan is CEO and owner of Natural Learning Educational Consultancy. She has lived and worked in South Africa, Australia and is now based in Scotland. She works internationally as a conference keynote speaker, nature pedagogue, mentor and author having been invited to work in Australia, UK, USA, Canada, Iceland, Sweden, South Korea, China, Norway, Denmark and South Africa. She has developed a reputation as a strong advocate for children’s right to a high-quality childhood with a deep concern about children’s mental health and trauma.

Niki trusts children as being capable and competent, respects their ability to know what they need for their development including assessing and taking risks. She has a great love for the outdoors and has been working with both adults and young children in very consultative, naturalistic and sensorial environments both indoors and outdoors for more than 40 years. She believes children have a right to regular access to nature and to have their voices heard in matters that affect them.