Make a difference. This series is specifically designed for older students who are struggling to grasp the concepts of numeracy. The books are packed full of innovative, photocopiable templates for immediate use in the classroom. Activities cover operational domains and number knowledge. Learning outcomes are included on blackline masters in child-friendly language to encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning.
Ages: 6-13 years
Jude Callaghan is an experienced, enthusiastic teacher with a passion for teaching and learning, and delivers teaching programmes that are innovative and exciting. Jude has embraced the Numeracy Development Programme wholeheartedly, and has joined the No Nonsense Number writing team to share her deep understanding and wealth of ideas.
Suzi is an enthusiastic principal of a Catholic school in Christchurch, New Zealand. She has international teaching experience and has had the pleasure of teaching in a multi-cultural environment. With over 20 years of teaching, Suzi has developed a wealth of ideas and resources to best help children with their learning.